My work on Learning Technologies


Reform Symposium. Octobe 2013
RSCON#4: Diversity and disability (Not technology related)

7th Virtual Round Conference. April 2013
Screencastimg: a dynamic and interactive way to provide feedback

Reform Symposium. July 2011
Flip videos see: smart phones and digital cameras do (revisited)

3rd Virtual Round Conference. October 2010
Flip Cameras in the Language Classroom

K-12 online conference. October 2010 (Spanish)
Planificación y Diseño de Lección en Línea a través de Blogs

e-moderator for  Teacher development courses

Learning Technologies for the Language Classroom. 2011-Present

Podcasting for the ESL-EFL Classroom. (January-February) 2013
English Village Online. Co-moderators: Miguel Mendoza, Evelyn Izquierdo, Miguel Pérez and Yuly Asención (2013)

Podcasting for the ESL-EFL Classroom. (January-February) 2012
English Village Online. Co-moderators: Miguel Mendoza, Evelyn Izquierdo and Teadira Pérez (2012)

Podcasting for the ESL-EFL Classroom. (January-February) 2011
English Village Online. Co-moderators: Miguel Mendoza, Evelyn Izquierdo & José Rodríguez (2011)

Blog Based Lessons and e-portfolios (January-February) 2009
English Village Online. Co-moderators: Miguel Mendoza, Teadira Pérez & Evelyn Izquierdo

ICT in the Classroom. (2007) Support tutor for Valentina Dodge. The Consultants-e

Yes! British Council ( 2008-2010). Moderator and Moodle administrator.

Online courses attended

Moodle Administrator

Yes! British Council. 2009-2010

Online moderation in webinars

CLED 2009. Universidad de Los Andes
CLED 2010. Universidad de Los Andes
CLED 2011. Universidad de Los Andes

Seminars attendended

ICT in ELT: putting the "learning" back into "e-learning". Feb. 12-17, 2006
Manchester. British Council

F2F Workshops and presentations for the British Council (Venezuela)

ICT teacher training in Venezuela. 2012. Cartagena Colombia.
e-moderation and screencasting. 2012. British Council.Táchira
e-moderation and screencasting. 2012. British Council. Maturín
LearnEnglish website (Demostration). 2012. British Council. Maturín
e-moderation and screencasting. 2012. British Council. Barinas
e-moderation and screencasting. 2012. British Council. Barquisimeto
Learning technologies: a walkthrough. 2012. British Council (Who Needs English? )
Yes! training for e-moderators in Colombia. Bogota. June 2010.

Yes! Induction Session. Carlos Soublette (Chacao). Caracas. April 2009
Yes! Induction Session. Fe y Alegria School. Barcelona. March 2009
Yes! Induction Session. Carabobo. (2008). September.
The e-English course works. Regional Meeting. Caracas. Sep. 2008.

Integrating ICT in ELT. EFL teachers from Barlovento. Caracas. March 2008
Integrating ICT in ELT. TKT students. British Concil. Caracas. June 2007
Integrating ICT in ELT. San Ignacio de Loyola School. Caracas. July 2007
Integrating ICT in ELTT. IPC- Maturin. April 2007
Integrating ICT in ELT. EFL undergraduate studentes from ULA. Mérida. October 2006
Integrating ICT in ELT. EFL teachers from Bolivarian Schools. Mérida. October 2006
Integrating ICT in ELT LUZ. Mayo 2007
Integrating ICT in ELT. Workshop for UPEL-Caracas teacher-trainees. April. 2006
Integrating ICT in ELT. UPEL-Pedagógico de Maracay. Mar. 2006
Integrating ICT in ELT. UPEL-ULA San Cristobal. April. 2006
Integrating ICT in ELT. Alcaldía de Chacao. Feb. 2006. This training included visiting teachers in the school, helping them plan their web-bsed lesson and observe some of the sessions delivered in a computer lab.
Integrating ICT in ELT. UPEL-Pedagógico de Caracas. Jan. 2006


ICT in Venezuela: Facing challenges in EAP courses for librarianship students. This presentaction was made as a scholarship recipient in the Colloquium: CALL Challenges Around the World: Voices of Experience moderated by Thomas Robb. Glasgow, 2013

VENTESOL presentations

Podcasting for the ESL-EFL classroom. VENTESOL 2012. Valencia. Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Making Hot Potatoes in the EFL classroom. VENTESOL. 2008. Valencia. British Council  

Blogging in Two Municipal Schools. VENTESOL. March. 2007. Valencia
British Concil. Venezuela

IATEFL presentations

Technologies for ELT learning in Venezuela: Benefits of Screencasting. IATEFL. 2012. Glasgow. British Council-UCV.

TESOL presentations

Podcasts, web-basedrecordings & videocasts: Dynamic and interactive ways to provide feedback. TESOL. 2013. Dallas. Universidad Central de Venezuela, VENTESOL, AVEALMEC.

OTHER presentations

ICT in ELT (Revisted). (2010). UPEL-Caracas. 
Language adquisiton and ICT (2010). UPEL-Caracas (Master's program) 
Enseñanza-Aprendizaje del Inglés para decentes en servicio. CLED (2009)

As member of organizer committees

Seminar on ICT in ELT: Building Networks and Developing Materials
Joint Organizers: British Council and School of Modern Languages from Universidad de los Andés. Mérida
October 2006. Guest speaker: Gavin Dudeney

Social Networking: Thriving as a Community of Practice.
AVEALMEC. November 2008

Other events
As guest-participant in "Redes sociales y  aprendizaje:¿Mito o realidad?" (Social Networking and learning: Myth or reality? Universidad Metropolitana (UNIMET). May 22nd, 2012. Caracas, Venezuela

Muerte por PowerPoint: ¿Cómo evitarlo? (Death by PowerPoint: How to Avoid it?). April 23rd, 2011. Elluminate. Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Muerte por PowerPoint: ¿Cómo evitarlo? (Death by PowerPoint: How to Avoid it?). March 6th, 2013. Elluminate. Universidad Central de Venezuela.  Student-Centered Unit (Unidad de Servicios Estudiantiles).

Online materials:

Curso de Lengua de Señas Venezolanas. Flip cam videos for practising Sign Language. Access by request.
Online Extensive Reading. ESP course. English IV.
Language Skill and Acquisition. Presentation for Postgraduate students for the English Department Master's Program.
Workshop for Trainee EFL Teachers. British Council. Venezuela 
AVEALMEC Newsletter (Special Issue). Social Networking: Thriving as a Community of Pratice
Podcasting for the ESL-EFL Classroom. English Village Online. 2011-2012-2013
Explorando la radio en Internet. Blog created as participants for the webcasting course.
Blog based lesson Sample. Blog created for ICT in ELT training workshops for EFL teachers.
Video Tutorials. Videos recorded for different training workshops. Blip TV.
Recorded class lectures (Work in progress). English IV. ESP course. 
Extensive reading format(Google docs) For English III and IV (EAP)
Facebook. EBA reading. (Secret group). (EAP)


5th and 6th place in "I Muestra de Recursos Educativos Abiertos". CLED 2010.

1st place in Classroom Blogs (Professional Development). Winner Blog: Podcasting for the ESL-EFL Classroom. CLED 2011

Guest Blogger (related & non-related technology posts)

SEETA: Two birds: being an ESP teacher and e-moderator. from March 26th to March 30th.2012
Teaching Village:  Upon reflecting on how I became an EFL teacher in Venezuela. September 8th, 2012 
iTDi: Different Abilities: Embracing and Supporting Diversity at the University. March 4th, 2013.      
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