Many different universities and school systems around the globe have begun using Second Life as part of their education programs. If you are a beginner or an advanced Second Life (SL) educator who wants to learn more about incorporating this visual 3D world in the classroom, there are plenty of resources online that can help. Here are 15 good sources of information for SL educators to explore: Second Life in Education - This informational site discusses some of the educational uses of SL. SLeducation also provides links to Second Life and other virtual world resources. EDUSCAPE - This Second Life blog features tips and information for teachers who are incorporating and using SL in education. TeacherTube - TeacherTube offers several video resources for teachers who are interested in Second Life. One video worth checking out is English Village ESL in Second Life. Second Life English Blog - This unique blog features a collage of random reflections on the use of Second Life for language learning and teaching. SLED Blog - This blog is written by educators who discuss the ins and outs of using SL in K-12 education. The SLED Blog offers scholarly resources, tutorials, and event information. Annotated Bibliography of Second Life Educational Online Resources - This constantly evolving bibliography features a wide range of short articles discussing the educational benefits of using SL. The site also links to useful educational SL tutorials. ISTE Second Life - ISTE Second Life is an online virtual environment for educators to c
ollaborate, network, and discuss online learning. This site is a great place to discuss the practices and real-life educational opportunities in Second Life. - This informational site discusses a list of things educators should consider when using Second Life in education. The article discusses the use of SL, what it is, how to start, and offers several resources within SL to use. - is a beginner's guide to SL but also offers links for more advanced learning. Second Life Education Wiki - This educational wiki provides programs, institutes, competitions, presentations, and mailing lists. The site also offers teaching resources, lesson plans, and classroom management opportunities for SL. SLED Picayune - The SLED Picayune is a blog designed for SL educators. One of the best articles this site features is the top 10 reasons educators should use SL.
Second Life Grid - Second Life Grid provides educational case studies, educator's pilot program information, and resources to connect with other educators who use SL. This is a good place for first time Second Lifers to meet and connect with more experienced educators. Twitterbox - Twitterbox is a free Twitter app that allows you to receive Twitter messages while you're inside Second Life. This is a great way for students or teachers to connect and chat. Gwyn's Beginners Guide to Second Life - Teachers new to Second Life will enjoy this beginner's guide which provides a step-by-step guide to slang, money, land, and more. Best Practices for Education in Second Life - This article, provided by Global Kids Digital Media Initiative, offers ways to develop youth through SL. The article discusses ways to use SL for social networking, interactive workshops, quizzes, contests, and more.
Guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Karen is the Guide to Business School. She also writes about online colleges for