Shelly Terrell |
I was invited by
Shelly Terrel some weeks ago to participate in the
3rd Virtual Round Table Conference. I thought it was a great opportunity for me to have my first online presentation and a real honour to present along with people like
Lindsey Clandfield , Russell Stunnard, Alexandra Francisco, Vicky Saummel, Doris Molero, Marisa
Constantinides, Berni Wall, Mike Harrison,
Guido Europaantje, Graham Stanley, Paul Maglione, Teresa Almeida d'Eca, Carla Arena, Erika Cruvinel, Daf Gonzalez, Vance Stevens and Jennifer Verschoo among others. So I decided to talk about, and also following Shelly's suggestion, using flips cameras in the language classroom inspired on the experience I have had recording videos for a sign language course in Venezuela.
Heike Philp |
I have got to describe this experience as amazingly wonderful. Shelly helped me become familiar with the platform two days before the event (Thanks Shelly!). During my presentation, Heike Philp, the moderator, was really nice even though she was really busy multitasking with different presentations taking place all along. Even though, I had a small crowd, they were really great and supportive. Helen, Shumbles, Teadira (colleague & friend) and Valeria made several questions and comments and helped a lot to make this a nice, fun presentation. Shumbles went the extra mile and recorded a video using a flip camera during my presentation: Virtual Round Table online Conf #vrt10 best seat at conf. Here's the video and have fun!
And here's the presentation in Adobe connect. Click on the image to have access to the room.
If you would like to visit the website created for hosting the videos for the Venezuelan Sing Language course, write to my e-mail mmendoza97@gmail.com and I'll send an invite to join this site.